Grateful thanks to the publisher - Eidizioni Punto Rosso, Via Belgirate 15, 20125 Milano.
My grateful thanks to Prof. Vincenzo Lo Cascio, Dr. Alessandro Mazza and the director of l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura , Ms. Carmela Callea for their enthousiastic participation and eloquent presentation of "Striptease - Un Italiano in Olanda" at the Italian Cultural Institute in Amsterdam on May 25th, 2016.
The publication of “Striptease” marks the literary debut of an artist/painter/commentator in which he reflects on his journey through life and the experiences/events which have helped shape the development of his artistic vision. The result is a series of short stories which form a self-portrait granting the reader access into the author's inner world as well as revealing his responses to the outside world. The book is also primarily a homage to the city where he has lived for the last 38 years in which he describes the radical changes that have affected Amsterdam and The Netherlands. The result is a stimulating analysis of Dutch society, culture, the mentality of its inhabitants and last but not least the mentality of Italians living abroad.
Roberto Caradonna was born in Taranto, Italy in 1953. After leaving school he travelled overland via Turkey to India and Pakistan before coming to Holland in 1978 where he completed his studies and began his artistic journey.

This is a slideshow of some of the illustrations included in the book 'Striptease - un italiano in Olanda'. By moving your mouse across the slideshow you will see a start/pause button appear in the top right hand corner. If you would like to view the photos in a larger format then click in the middle of the slideshow.